Sunday, June 29, 2003

Video Voyeur Update:

May 5, 2003

Klarides Praises Video Voyeur Arrest in Colchester
New Law That Representative Spearheaded Used to Charge Suspect

HARTFORD- State Representative Themis Klarides today praised the arrest in Colchester of a man under her landmark video voyeurism law, which was put into effect in 1999. Representative Klarides led the effort in the Connecticut General Assembly to pass the legislation, which made it a crime to videotape or photograph anyone who ought to have a reasonable expectation of privacy, for the purpose of sexual gratification or malicious intent. It makes video voyeurism a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in prison. Distribution of the material is a felony, which can get the perpetrator five years in prison.

Ronald Lamontagne, a 43-year-old former Connecticut resident who now resides in Worcester, Massachusetts, has been arrested under the new video voyeurism statute for videotaping several women during private moments. Mr. Lamontagne allegedly distributed a number of copies of the footage worldwide, without the knowledge or consent of the women taped. He is charged with two counts of voyeurism, and twenty counts of disseminating voyeuristic material via the Internet.

“This is precisely the kind of criminal act my initial legislation was aimed at combating,” said Representative Klarides. “In this case, there is not only an allegation of voyeurism, but of disseminating the material in video form to people throughout the country, and in other countries. It is certainly criminal to violate someone’s privacy through the act of voyeurism, but actually taping and distributing the footage compounds the violation against the victims in this case. Now, by simply popping a tape in a VCR, these victims are having their right to privacy violated again and again.”

Klarides noted that because of Connecticut’s stronger voyeurism laws, the penalty for the suspect would be substantially stronger than if he had been arrested in neighboring states. She pointed to a recent case in Long Island where a voyeur had installed a camera in the smoke detector of his tenant to observe and video tape her in private moments. The offender in this case received a fine as a penalty for trespass.

Representative Klarides also referred to new legislation that she has introduced this session, which raises the penalty of voyeurism from a class A misdemeanor, and would make the act of voyeurism a class D felony, just as the act of distributing voyeuristic material is.

“Connecticut is ahead of the curve compared to other states,” said Klarides. “ Rhode Island and New York have only recently taken steps to strengthen their laws against this sort of offense, and they do not yet have adequate legal penalties for these offenses. There is a great deal of satisfaction on my part to know that such an offender, if proven guilty, will now face very substantial criminal penalties more equal to the offense.”

Lamontagne is being held on a $15,000 bond and awaits arraignment in Norwich Superior Court.

Saturday, June 28, 2003

Just a quick blurb to let everyone know the Annual CT Space & Aviation Day was a HUGE success!!!! Estimated attendance was 10,000 people --- FANTASTIC!!!!! I was working a slow venue at the Fire Academy (everyone wanted to see the jets) and still managed to $200+ in T-shirt sales. If you managed to join us for the day, THANK YOU for making it a success. If you didn't join us -- you had better be there next year!!

Friday, June 27, 2003


Come visit me at the Annual CT Space & Aviation Day!!! It promises to be a fun-fille day for adults & children and for a great cause. All proceeds go the the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp.


SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 2003 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

· Iraqi Freedom Fighters of the 103rd Airborne Division, CT Air National Guard
· Connecticut’s Memorial to Fallen Firefighters, CT Fire Academy
· 58th Bomb Wing Memorial, New England Air Museum

All venues open at 10:00 AM
Starting Location: CT Air National Guard Base

Tethered Hot Air Balloon Rides – Lego Building Competition – Big Inflatable Game
Refreshments - Free Parking - Free Admission

Donations Accepted


· CONNECTICUT AIR NATIONAL GUARD – Come and see close up a variety of military aircraft.

· CONNECTICUT STATE POLICE – Learn about dive and SWAT teams, DARE, Children’s ID Units, Major Crime Van, Canine Unit, Explosive Disposal Unit and the Aviation Unit.

· NEW ENGLAND AIR MUSEUM – See exhibits and presentations in Celebration of the Centennial of the Airplane. Explore vintage aircraft, including the recently restored B-29 at the new 58th Bomb Wing Memorial.

· CONNECTICUT FIRE ACADEMY – Live Fire Demonstrations at 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Kid’s Fire Safety House, Vehicle Extrication Demonstrations and Flashy the robotic Fire Dog.

Since 1988, The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp has been fortunate to have the support of thousands of people. Each summer the camp provides love, hope and joy to over 900 children who are seriously ill with cancer, sickle cell anemia, HIV/AIDS, and other blood diseases. The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp also provides year-round programs for hundreds of children and their families – Free of Charge.

Directions from I-91

Take exit 40 (Bradley International Airport)
Take East Granby exit (RT 20)
Go right at the first light onto Bradley Park R.
Go right onto Nicholson Rd. to CT Air Guard
Go left at Air Guard onto Perimeter Rd.
At stop sign continue straight
Air Museum and Fire Academy will be on the left.

Shuttle buses run from parking areas to all venues

Main Parking Areas:
· New England Air Museum
· CT Fire Academy
· AGI Cargo Facility

Alternate Parking Areas: (on Bradley Park Rd.)
· Old Gas Turbine Building
· Eagle Global Logistics
· REM Sales

1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]?
Unless circumstances change drastically (winning Powerball jackpot) I’ll be spending my time doing boring things, like looking for a job and working. I had plans for a cruise in November but had to cancel since I’m currently out of a job.

2. What was your first summer job?
Like most girls my first summer job was babysitting. I have two younger brothers and both of my parents worked. The first summer, I had 4 kids to watch, my brothers (ages 9 and 4) and friends son about age 9 and a 6 month old infant. If my memory is accurate, I was making $80/wk, not bad for only being 15 years old.

3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go?
I would go where ever a cruise ship can take me! Caribbean in the winter, Alaska in the summer, up the Mississippi on a Riverboat, around the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas….

4. What was your worst vacation ever?
That would have to be the year my ex-husband and I rented a cabin at a campground in Damariscotta, Maine. First, rarely is there a “heat wave” in Maine but we had it that week!! The temps were in the 90’s, high humidity and no a/c in the cabin. Both of us spent a couple of days being ill because of the heat. We specifically asked for a cabin away from most of the campers because we enjoyed “quiet” surroundings. Where did they put us?!?! In the middle of a family reunion campout!!! One morning we woke only to find the outside of our cabin was covered with bees! Not too bad except that both my ex and I are allergic to bee stings. We had to wait for the bees to clear out before we could leave the cabin that morning.

5. What was your best vacation ever?
Tough choice it actually comes down to two vacations, both lasting for two weeks. The first was about 1981 and I went to Seattle, WA for two weeks with my roommate. She was from Seattle and had a lawsuit pending there. When she won her case, my trip became a “freebie”. Seattle is a beautiful city and very clean. I was even impressed with areas they considered “slums”. The Japanese influence is clearly seen in the gardens of Seattle. Wisteria, Rhododendrons, Azaleas abound and all nicely trimmed. The city itself is surrounded by snow capped mountains and Puget Sound. I spent a day wandering around the dock area of Seattle. In my wanderings, I found a little shop called “Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe”. It was literally packed with curious items – mummy, two-headed pig and all sorts of really cool items! The shop itself couldn’t have been larger than 20’ x 30’ and I spent several hours in there just looking around. We spent a day driving into the mountains, visited Shilshoe (sp?) it’s the largest marina in the US, Arboretum, Science Museum and just had a fabulous time while I was there.

The second vacation was last November when I did “back to back” cruises. Nothing like 18 days of cruise ship fun to get in some serious R&R!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

3. What about politically? Is it reasonable to allow a woman to plead insanity due to PMDD or hormonal imbalances?

There is a rather lengthy discussion attempting to take place on Victoria’s Blog in the “Comments” area. Comments just don’t allow enough room to voice what I feel the need to say. Therefore, I’m explaining my reasoning for the answer to the above question.

“As many as 90% of all women will have to deal with the aches, pains and emotional stress of Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS at some time during their reproductive years while 30% to 40% of all women will have symptoms distressing enough to interfere with their everyday lives. Some of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome include abdominal bloating, acne, anxiety, backache, breast swelling and tenderness, cramps, depression, food cravings, fainting spells, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, altered sex drive, swelling of the fingers and ankles, and personality changes such as drastic mood swings, outbursts of anger, violence, and thoughts of suicide.”
“Premenstrual Syndrome is a reoccurring condition that affects women during the one to two weeks before menstruation begins (the luteal phase) and disappears at the end of a full flow of menses.”

“Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of PMS that affects 3% to 8% of all women. To diagnosis this disease a woman must suffer from at least five symptoms of depression listed below:
· Feelings of sadness or hopelessness,
· Possible suicidal thoughts,
· Tension or anxiety,
· Mood swings marked by periods of teariness,
· Persistent irritability or anger that affects other people
· Disinterest in daily activities and relationships,
· Trouble concentrating,
· Fatigue or low energy,

· Food cravings or bingeing,
· Sleep disturbances,
· Feeling out of control

· Unordinary physical symptoms during the majority of her periods and must become worse a week or so before the period begins and disappear shortly after the period ends.

To diagnosis Premenstrual Syndrome and to rule out the possibility of a mood disorder or another disease with similar symptoms there must be at least a week during the first part of the menstrual cycle that is symptom free. To determine this, your doctor will probably ask you to keep track of when your symptoms occur. “

The above information was taken from Healing With Nutrition web site.

Many people believe PMS/PMDD to be an “excuse” for inappropriate behavior. While I have know MANY women to use PMS/PMDD as an excuse, I also know from first hand experience that it’s VERY real. Just like with any other disease how can you determine who will suffer from PMS/PMDD. Plain and simple, you can’t determine. Should the possibility of PMS/PMDD keep all women out of decision making/power positions – hell no! Only 40% of the female will have symptoms severe enough to interfere with daily routines. Of the 40% of women, only 3% - 8% would be classified as severe PMS or PMDD as the medical field now calls it.

I was diagnosed with PMDD after MONTHS (close to a year) of thinking I was stressed out, over worked or worse, losing my mind. Not once did I ever associate it with being PMDD. Most women know about the bloating, food cravings, irritability as symptoms. The other symptoms are not discussed, never told to us and therefore it goes undetected. According to my physician, at that time, women had previously been locked in institutions because they were “crazy”.

Based on my experience with PMDD, I would not have trusted myself in any position of authority! I have “bolded” all the symptoms I had for a 2 – 2.5 week period EVERY MONTH for almost a year before I knew what was happening to my body. I could hear words come out of my mouth and not want to believe I was actually saying those things. Emotions were rampant, one day in particular a co-worker stopped by my desk to say “good-morning”. We had a nice cheery conversation and he left. Another co-worker came up about 10 minutes later to say “good morning”. Aside from the fact that I was crying my eyes out, I also told him to “fuck off.” I knew I was doing this, I even felt sorry for all my co-workers (department of 15 people – all men!) but I had no control over what I said and did. NONE! People that know me also know I would NEVER say anything even remotely close to that, while at work. There were many nights, I fought urges to sail my car off the closest bridge. I didn’t want to drive anywhere out of fear that I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from acting upon that urge.

How can any woman determine what is going on with her body, when she doesn’t know the symptoms? Yet women are the only ones capable of making the diagnosis. Women need to be educated in the symptoms, not told they are crazy and locked up. Once it’s determined the problem is PMS/PMDD, there IS treatment but you can’t treat yourself for PMDD. At the PMS stage, there is vitamin therapy, diet/exercise therapy and hormone therapy. At the PMDD stage, you can chose hormone therapy or MAO inhibitors such as Prozac.

Now as for using PMS/PMDD as a valid defense, I still say YES. When you read the statistics. It would only be a valid defense for MAYBE 5% of the female population. There would be signs leading up to “whatever” that can be verified and testified to. If PMS/PMDD were not allowed as a defense, in essence, women would be denying that it happens and we go back to the days of being called “crazy” and institutionalized. It is a valid medical disorder caused within the female reproductive system. Denying what happens to our bodies is denying your gender. Men can’t have PMS/PMDD only women. Then again, women don’t have prostate problems and men do. There are physical differences in our bodies that we must accept and deal with. Not condemn each other for those differences.

Monday, June 23, 2003


I'm always curious about others' perspectives on menstruation & menopause, since these continue to run the gamut from curse to miracle of nature. It makes for interesting discussion.
So, a few questions to get us started (as always with my topics, feel free to wander off in another direction):

1. How (if at all) do you think about your own or other's menstrual cycles? Is it horrid? A minor inconvenience? Something to celebrate?
How I think of them depends upon how sexually active I’ve been the previous month J Inconvenient, if I had plans for those days. Celebrate if I been active and not cautious the previous month. While I was married, it was depressing simply because it was a constant reminder of a child I wanted and wasn’t carrying.

2. Medically, are we over- or under-sensitive to the changes of monthly cycles and to menopause?

Definitely under-sensitive to the hormonal changes in the female body!! Medically it’s getting better but still a long way to go. Many physicians and people (male & female) don’t believe in PMS/PMDD, simply because they haven’t experienced it. Even I had discounted the extreme cases of PMS until I experienced them first hand. For many months, my emotions ran to extremes for 2 weeks and I had no idea why. When I say extremes, I’m talking one minute I would be happy and chatting away. Five minutes later, I would be crying and have thoughts of suicide. I would literally feel every emotion at least twice per day and each to a dramatic extreme. One night I happened to catch a news blurb about PMS and the women was telling exactly how I had been feeling for months. At that point I kept a journal of when the emotions would start to change. Sure enough, it was always in the 2 weeks prior to my period.

Once I realized my problem was PMS, I went to my physician and spoke with him about treatment. I was very fortunate to have an older male physician that accepted and knew about PMS. He explained women, at one time, had been institutionalized because of PMS. That statement alone brought me to tears – I wasn’t losing my mind after all!!! Even though he could never experience the problem, he was very understanding and helpful.

3. What about politically? Is it reasonable to allow a woman to plead insanity due to PMDD or hormonal imbalances?
Having experienced it first hand – DEFINITELY!! I could hear myself say things and do things so out of character but had no control over myself. As an example my immediate supervisor (male) had asked why I hadn’t done a certain job yet. My blatant response was “Because I was too fucking busy doing your job.” That comment landed me on 2nd shift, his alternative was to fire me. However, having worked with/for him for about 10 years at the time, he knew something was wrong. He knew I would never speak to another person like that. I couldn’t believe those words actually came out of my mouth! I’m not certain I would classify the defense as being “insanity” simply because it’s not a mental defect. PMS/PMDD is a chemical imbalance in the brain caused by a physical/hormonal imbalance.

I’m now getting to an age where “Peri-menopause” is starting. Right now it’s only infrequent hot flashes, night sweats, and missed periods. I don’t know what may or may not happen with hormonal changes within my body but I’m certain to find out first hand!

4. And for those of you who currently menstruate - do your political leanings play a role in your ideas about period (for instance, do you use non-corporate, non-disposable pads, or allocate that time for specific types of action)?
Why would I use non-disposable pads? I hate doing laundry!!! I only use pads when I have cramps. Something in the pads, makes me break out in a rash. If you think having your period is bad, try having a rash at the same time!!! The only problem I have with tampons is they seem to make my cramps worse. It could be my imagination, I really don’t know.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Last night's Poetry Peep Show was a success!! Fun, tom foolery and great time was had by all - cast and audience alike. We should all write to Faith & Hendree to have the Peepshow appear around the state - maybe even at the CT Poetry Festival.

Friday, June 20, 2003

The Friday Five:

1. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? Long or short?
Thick, wavy and short

2. How has your hair changed over your lifetime?
Besides getting grey? Well I've had it short, long, permed, wavy, middle part, side part, no part, brunette, blonde, red/auburn --- should I continue?!?!?

3. How do your normally wear your hair?
I can't be bothered with styling my hair. My hair frizzes a lot so I don't use a blow dryer unless it's absolutely necessary. Since it has a natural wave, it curls and stays in place simply by combing it into place. I very simply wash, finger/comb style and go.

4. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like?
I haven't a clue. I change it so often and it's usually a matter of telling my hairdresser - do whatever you want. Jayneanne has been my hairdresser for about 10 years. She knows exactly what I will like for a cut/style/color.

5. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened?
Thankfully only one disaster and I did a lot of screaming at the salon when they couldn’t repair it until after I returned from a wedding in Maine. Many years ago, I had gone to a salon for a perm. I had been there before but this time I was scheduled with someone new. My hair looked great when I left the salon however, for some perms, you can’t wash your hair for 3 days. Well, the first time I washed my hair is when I started screaming. I had gotten a “curly” perm, half of my head was really curly and the other half was completely straight!!! When I called the salon, they insisted I must have washed my hair before the 3 day period was over, therefore it was my own fault. After a lot of arguing, they finally relented to re-perm my hair at no charge. However, it couldn’t be done for two weeks because of the chemicals involved. I made the best of my hair during my vacation and the wedding but had it re-permed as soon as possible. Finally it was time to have my hair done again, this time with yet another person. She insisted upon using a stronger chemical claiming the other perm wasn’t the right one for my hair. She ended up burning my scalp and the ends of my hair. I ended up with a full refund and major damage to my hair.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

I'm baaaaaaaaack and sitting here amazed at the wonders of modern technology. While writing my blog, I'm also chatting with my cousin, Nita, in Alaska. She's giving me a tour of her home, via webcam. Of course, now she wants to know why I don't have a webcam!!! She tried to show me her yard but it's too sunny outside for me to see it. There's a major glare off the window.

Now that I'm back home full time, I need to get back into my routine. Starting tomorrow, I'll be back at J&G's for my Friday Happy Hour. After all my barstool is getting cold!!!

On saturday, I am planning on attend the "Poetry Peep Show"
Saturday, June 21st, Circa Bistro, 92 Bank Street, Waterbury, 2nd Floor

Shine those boots and throw on the leather. The Poetry Peep Show is goin to be this year's kinkiest poetry reading. In the tradition of the bawdy French fabliaux or the naughty limerick, the poets performing will take you with a wink and a nudge to a less wholesome side of poetry. There will be big laughs for everyone. The show is a fundraiser for The 2003 Connecticut Poetry Festival so bring your dollars, bring your camera (there will probably be some goo blackmail material), and bring your erotic poems for the poetry open mike that follows the performance. Poets featured in the show include: Roger Ochs, Faith Vicinanza, John Jeffrey, Alice-Anne Bridgers, Peter Bridgers, Kerri Provost, Zork, Mark Lee, Christina E. Arroyo, and the master mind behind this event, Hendree Milward. For driving directions, go to Circa Bistro or call 203.597.9292. For information about The 2003 CT Poetry Festival, go to CT Poetry Festival.

There is no better place to be Saturday night. Erotic poetry through the ages, a littel e.e. cummings, a little John Jeffrey, a little classical poetry, a little futuristic, mostly in good fun, lots of costuming, lots of laughs, and for a good cause.

Come and join us for lots of fun!! See you there!!!

Sunday, June 08, 2003

Come visit me at the Annual CT Space & Aviation Day!!! It promises to be a fun-fille day for adults & children and for a great cause. All proceeds go the the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp.


SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 2003 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

· Iraqi Freedom Fighters of the 103rd Airborne Division, CT Air National Guard
· Connecticut’s Memorial to Fallen Firefighters, CT Fire Academy
· 58th Bomb Wing Memorial, New England Air Museum

All venues open at 10:00 AM
Starting Location: CT Air National Guard Base

Tethered Hot Air Balloon Rides – Lego Building Competition – Big Inflatable Game
Refreshments - Free Parking - Free Admission

Donations Accepted


· CONNECTICUT AIR NATIONAL GUARD – Come and see close up a variety of military aircraft.

· CONNECTICUT STATE POLICE – Learn about dive and SWAT teams, DARE, Children’s ID Units, Major Crime Van, Canine Unit, Explosive Disposal Unit and the Aviation Unit.

· NEW ENGLAND AIR MUSEUM – See exhibits and presentations in Celebration of the Centennial of the Airplane. Explore vintage aircraft, including the recently restored B-29 at the new 58th Bomb Wing Memorial.

· CONNECTICUT FIRE ACADEMY – Live Fire Demonstrations at 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Kid’s Fire Safety House, Vehicle Extrication Demonstrations and Flashy the robotic Fire Dog.

Since 1988, The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp has been fortunate to have the support of thousands of people. Each summer the camp provides love, hope and joy to over 900 children who are seriously ill with cancer, sickle cell anemia, HIV/AIDS, and other blood diseases. The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp also provides year-round programs for hundreds of children and their families – Free of Charge.

Directions from I-91

Take exit 40 (Bradley International Airport)
Take East Granby exit (RT 20)
Go right at the first light onto Bradley Park R.
Go right onto Nicholson Rd. to CT Air Guard
Go left at Air Guard onto Perimeter Rd.
At stop sign continue straight
Air Museum and Fire Academy will be on the left.

Shuttle buses run from parking areas to all venues

Main Parking Areas:
· New England Air Museum
· CT Fire Academy
· AGI Cargo Facility

Alternate Parking Areas: (on Bradley Park Rd.)
· Old Gas Turbine Building
· Eagle Global Logistics
· REM Sales

Friday, June 06, 2003

Just in case anyone is wondering, for the last week and until the end of the school year, I'm helping friends with an emergency childcare/transportation problem. I'm only home for a few hours each day and not doing much in the way of blogging.

Now, since people continue to send these questions to me in e-mails, I thought I would copy them from Subversity and respond publicly.


-- Name: Bernadette (aka Bernie)
-- Birth date: 5/17/1957
-- Birthplace: Bangor, ME
-- Current Location: Manchester, CT
-- Eye Color: Green
-- Hair Color: natural color - Dark Brown, current color - Red
-- Height: 5'6'
-- Righty or Lefty: Lefty (we're the only ones in our right minds!)
-- Zodiac Sign: Taurus (can't you tell? I'm full of Bull!)


-- Your heritage: French, Irish, Swedish, Scottish
-- The shoes you wore today: black clogs
-- Your weakness: Food
-- Your fears: Snakes
-- Your perfect pizza: Double cheese, bacon, spinach, onion
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: financial freedom


-- Your most overused phrase on IM: Cool
-- Your thoughts first waking up: COFFEE!!!!!
-- Your best physical feature: Eyes
-- Your most missed memory: I agree with Subversity on this - too personal to mention


-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
-- Single or group dates: Single
-- Adidas or Nike: No way am I spending that kind of money on my big feet!! I go for the cheapest comfortable sneaker
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: How about Maxwell House coffee?!?! Ok, if I have to drink tea I like Red Rose and I want my tea with MILK not lemon.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Hagen Daas Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Maxwell House coffee


-- Smoke: yep.
-- Cuss: Sometimes
-- Sing: Yep - all the time
-- Take a shower everyday: I try to shower daily.
-- Do you think you've been in love: Yes
-- Want to go to college: Not sure
-- Like(d) high school: I hated high school!
-- Want to get married: Been there, done that
-- Believe in yourself: No - I have to prove things to myself before I believe.
-- Get motion sickness: no
-- Think you're attractive: No but I don't think I'm ugly either.
-- Think you're a health freak: Hell no!
-- Get along with your parent(s): Yes - if my Mom wasn't my mom, she would be a very close friend.
-- Like thunderstorms: I love them
-- Play an instrument: No but someday I would like to learn to play piano

In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol: yep and I'll do it again today
-- Smoked: Daily
-- Done a drug: Nope
-- Made Out: Yes
-- Gone on a date: Not really what I would call a date
-- Gone to the mall?: No, I hate the mall. There are too many people.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No
-- Eaten sushi: No and I won't try it either
-- Been on stage: Well we do call the open mic at Klekolo a "stage" but it's just where we stand to read poetry.
-- Been dumped: You need to have a relationship before you can be dumped so I'd have to say no.
-- Gone skating: It's been years since I've skated
-- Made homemade cookies: Do brownies count?
-- Gone skinny dipping: No :(
-- Dyed your hair: Definately!
-- Stolen anything: No!
-- You sound boring: Never boring - just bored


-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
-- If so, was it mixed company: Yes
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Oh yeah
-- Been caught "doing something": A few times
-- Been called a tease: Only jokingly
-- Gotten beaten up: Emotionally yes, physically no
-- Shoplifted: No
-- Changed who you were to fit in: No - I'm the only person I know how to be.


-- Age you hope to be married: I "was" married at age 29
-- Numbers and Names of Children: No kids, just cats
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: I've already done the big church wedding. If I ever get married again, I'd like to have a small ceremony on a cruise ship.
-- How do you want to die: Having a great orgasm!
-- Where you want to go to college: Is there a free one?
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Inn owner/chef
-- What country would you most like to visit: England

In a guy/girl..

I'm leaving ALL of these blank because they simply do not matter to me!

-- Best eye color?
-- Best hair color?
-- Short or long hair:
-- Height:
-- Best weight:


-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 1
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: I've been very fortunate in my life to have too many people to count, that I would trust with my life.
-- Number of CDs that I own: Maybe 30 CD's but hundreds of 45's and LP's
-- Number of piercings: None
-- Number of tattoos: One at the moment - Taz on my right shoulder blade
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: just a guess I would say 3
-- Number of scars on my body: 5 that can be seen
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: only one regret, getting married