Sunday, September 28, 2003
Saturday, September 27, 2003
Tonight I went to Cafe Downtown and listened to some great music. Pete Serge opened for Perfect Silence tonight. I won't bother to tell you Pete was great (he'll do that :) ) Tonight was the first feature gig for Perfect Silence and they were fabulous! Hopefully I managed to get some great pics. After I left, I realized I should have asked Pete, Dan and Sarah to pose for a few shots together, oh well, I try to remember next time.
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Admit it, we all daydream. I would even wager we have one daydream in common – to hit it big in the lottery. Having been out of work for more than a year, I believe I have perfected this daydream. Yes, the normal, pay off all the bills, monetary gifts to family and close friends would be done. My daydream has added some extras to normal
I have many friends on-line and we cruise (on cruise ships) together. Over the years, a handful of friends have become very close. Our love of cruising brought us together but sharing our daily lives, made us friends. Quite a few of my friends read my blog entries and know these people. I will not name my friends, fearing I will forget to mention someone and cause hurt feelings. To thank my friends for being there for me, during good and bad times, I would take them on a cruise. I have not chosen the ports of call, they do not matter. I do know it will be on a Carnival ship – we love having fun on Carnival. Friends would receive first class airfare and/or limousine service to a luxury hotel, near the embarkation port. The night before embarkation would be spent with our usual “Meet & Greet”, fully catered with open bar. I would pick up all hotel charges, including meals and arrange for limousine service to and from the cruise ship.
If my friends compare their cruise documents, they will discover everyone has a Cat. 12 Suites. This will give us one major benefit – priority boarding and personal escorts through the long lines and directly to our suites. Once on board the ship, all bar tabs would be mine to pick up. No one will be driving that week except the ship’s captain. Now, he can join in our fun, but only if it turns the keys over to his second in command. Cruising with a large group, we rarely are able to dine together on formal night. Therefore, I would arrange one formal night for all my friends in the supper club. I am sure I can dream of more ways to thank my friends while on the ship. Sharing this information, lets them know how much I appreciate them and enjoy their company.
Of course, I can’t neglect the items I would purchase for myself after winning the lottery. I long to build a dream home on the northern coast of Maine. As I mentioned earlier, I have been out of work for over a year. This has given me plenty of time to daydream on the Internet. You see, I have had time to locate the plans for my dream home. There would be some modifications made to the plans. The most important changes would be an indoor heated swimming pool and a fireplace in the master bedroom. The “bonus room” would become a recreational area with pool table, sound system and bar.
With my love of cruising, you are probably wondering why I chose Maine instead of the Caribbean, for a dream home. I happen to love 3 out of 4 seasons. You can probably guess which season I do not like. Therefore, I intend to also purchase a custom built yacht and hire a full crew. My winters will be spent going from island to island in the Caribbean. Again, I have had plenty of time to search the Internet and I “think” this custom built yacht would work nicely for me. I would change the interior décor, since it is not to my taste in decor. Friends and family are more than welcomed to cruise with me. When the yacht is not in use, I might be coaxed into loaning it out to certain people.
You can see, I have spent a considerable amount of time daydreaming about winning it big in the lottery. Ahhhhh to dream……
I love days like today, sunny with just a little nip in the air. The leaves are beginning to change colors. In a few short weeks, the hillsides will be dotted in shades of yellow, orange, red and green. These are the days; I love to take long rides in the country, browsing antique shops, orchards, and search for the perfect Jack-o-lantern pumpkin or simply laze by a stream.
It would be nice to share these rides with someone special, maybe take along a picnic lunch. One of my favorite stops is a state park in eastern Connecticut called Devil’s Hopyard. People rarely use the picnic areas, they are too busy walking the trails and viewing Chapman Falls. During past visits I have taken a few excellent (IMHO) pictures of Devil’s Hopyard, with the falls and stream covered with snow and ice. Although the pictures are in color, they appear almost black and white. Maybe this will be the year I get those great pictures of the fall foliage.
To me, Devil’s Hopyard is the perfect place for an autumn picnic. Since I’ll probably be there alone, it’s also a great place to quietly sit alongside the stream read a book, write, or simply become lost in daydreams.
Saturday, September 20, 2003
This is a survey being done on AOL. Granted, this isn't a valid method of polling people but I think the results still speak loudly!
In retrospect, what do you think of Bush's case for war?
48% He deliberately misled the public 51,131
30% It was completely legitimate 31,688
22% He may have stretched a little, but the overall reasoning was sound 23,384
Total votes: 106,203
It appears my neighborhood is in need of "religious salvation". Almost every weekend, since moving in, someone has tried to "save my soul". Normally I am a non-violent, polite person. However, it's getting to a point where these people are going to be threatened if they knock on my door again. I have seriously thought of posting a sign stating "Religious solicitors will be shot upon knocking." Somehow I think that sign wouldn't be appreciated by the police department.
I have tried being polite, saying "no thank you" and closing my door. I have tried, not answering my door (they just come back later). Once in a prior apartment, they have actually had their children look in windows to see if someone was home. I wasn't very nice to those people, nor to their children.
Does anyone have suggestions for a way to "legally" stop these people?
Friday, September 19, 2003
You are The Cap'n!
Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some slit the throats of any man that stands between them and the mantle of power. You never met a man you couldn't eviscerate. Not that mindless violence is the only avenue open to you - but why take an avenue when you have complete freeway access? You are the definitive Man of Action. You are James Bond in a blousy shirt and drawstring-fly pants. Your swash was buckled long ago and you have never been so sure of anything in your life as in your ability to bend everyone to your will. You will call anyone out and cut off their head if they show any sign of taking you on or backing down. You cannot be saddled with tedious underlings, but if one of your lieutenants shows an overly developed sense of ambition he may find more suitable accommodations in Davy Jones' locker. That is, of course, IF you notice him. You tend to be self absorbed - a weakness that may keep you from seeing enemies where they are and imagining them where they are not.
What's Yer Inner Pirate?
brought to you by The Official Talk Like A Pirate Web Site. Arrrrr!
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
I have been procrasting way too much recently. There are boxes still stacked in my living room which MUST be unpacked or moved into storage. Therefore, I am grounding myself! My computer will be turned off, daily, until a minimum of 1/3 of the boxes (each day) has been eliminated from the living room.
Ah, if I could live my life over. It is great to dream about changing our past. That is all it is, a dream. You see, your past is what has made you the person you are today. Every minor choice, every turn in the road is what brought you here. One minor change can have a major lasting effect on who you are today, even if you would still be here.
There was a Star Trek episode where the Enterprise returned to Earth but in the early 20th century. Captain Kirk, Spock and Dr. McCoy beamed down to Earth. While there for only a few minutes, they changed history and there was no Enterprise orbiting the Earth to beam them up. They simply pushed a woman out of the road, saving her from being hit by a car. This same thing would happen if we made changes to our past. To re-write our past, would be to also re-write the world’s history.
Of course now it is time for me to dream about the effects of changing my past. There is only one change I would make – not to marry my ex-husband, Charlie. If I were to make this one change, I know I would not be the person I am today. I would have missed a major change in my life, had it not been for this marriage. That change, I grew as a person, and became emotionally strong enough to leave him. It taught me about myself and to lower tolerance for verbal and mental abuse. I learned to stand up for myself, even when terrified of the possible outcome. It taught me be very wary of the person that says, “I love you” but not how to stop my heart from loving them.
I cannot fathom of how my life would have been different without Charlie. Who knows if I would have met and married my “soul mate”? Who knows if I would have had the family I always wanted? Who knows if I would be financially secure? Who knows if I would have found the same kind of person, married and been physically abused? Who knows if I would be a cynical old bitch, simply because I never found love?
My world would definitely be different today, had I not married Charlie. Would it be better? I certainly hope so, but I don’t believe it would be better, just different. I know it would not be perfect; there will always be something that could have been done differently. Thanks but I think I will keep MY past, I know the outcome.
Saturday, September 06, 2003
DWP - Write about a fragrance
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Police: Man Illegally Videotaped Juvenile
August 28, 2003
By TRACY GORDON FOX, Courant Staff Writer
A former Colchester resident has been arrested and charged a second time with illegally videotaping a female, this time a juvenile, in his home without her knowledge, state police said.
Ronald A. LaMontagne, 43, who had lived in the Westchester section of Colchester, was charged with one count of voyeurism and one count of risk of injury to a minor, police said Wednesday.
LaMontagne had been out on bond and living at 19 Sherburne Ave. in Worcester, Mass., since his initial arrest in May on two counts of voyeurism and 20 counts of disseminating voyeuristic material to Internet users throughout the country and as far away as Algeria, police said.
Wednesday was the first charge involving a minor, and police say they are looking for other possible victims.
Detectives began investigating LaMontagne in May after they received a complaint from a woman who said LaMontagne might have videotaped her. Investigators found that clock radios in his home housed pinhole cameras connected to surveillance equipment that could record images from 100 feet away. Videocassette recorders in his bedroom were set up to make copies, police said.
Police said they believed that LaMontagne secretly filmed at least four women in their 20s, then disseminated the tapes to Washington, Illinois, Oklahoma and Texas.
The most recent case was the result of a follow-up investigation after LaMontagne's arrest in May, police said. Detectives identified a teenager whose image was recorded without her knowledge and contained on a videotape seized during a search of LaMontagne's former home.
LaMontagne turned himself in to state police Wednesday and was held with bail set at $100,000, police said.
Detectives are asking anyone who is a female friend, associate, co-worker or past renter of LaMontagne's property in Colchester, or who worked with him, to call the state police Eastern District Major Crime Squad at the Colchester barracks at 860-537-7500.
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
I've put it off as long as possible but today I MUST put gas in my car. This will be the first time, I've filled up since the prices soared. Hoping the oil companies really meant this was only a temporary price hike, I have waited until the tank is on E before putting in gas.
Can someone PLEASE explain to me, exactly what the fuck a power outage and a broken pipe in the southwest, has to do with the price of gasoline?!?!?!? Am I too dumb to understand or too smart to believe the reasons, that are being shoved our throats?
Monday, September 01, 2003
My Christmas Tree 2001
Spending my first Christmas in an apartment with 16' ceilings, my eyes were bigger than my strength when I picked out a 9 ft Christmas tree. Needing assistance to move this monstrosity, Marsha came over and we managed to get it leaning up against my car only to stand there and wonder "How the hell are we getting that into the building, down the hall, into the elevator, up to the third floor, down another hall and into the apartment?" It had only taken us about 15 minutes to get the tree standing and not without incident. Marsha got in the way and was pinned against the car. I stood there; arms and legs spread wide and told her to lean the tree towards me so she could get out. We tried to stand it in a cart that I have but the wheels kept moving away from us. At one point we lifted the base of the tree, only to stand and stare at the cart that needed to be pushed UNDER the tree! Well a very nice neighbor, Erin, asked if we needed help. At that point we had a "Three Stooges" thing oing on just trying to get it from my car to the building! With his help we managed to lay the tree across the cart and get it to the door. At which point I was pinned between the door and the tree and there was a staircase in our way! Erin suggested that he "attempt" to drag the tree up 3 flights of stairs (yeah right!) but I couldn't let him do that. He had already been a big help and I was afraid he would hurt himself. Anyway, we moved the tree and leaned against a fence outside. Silly Erin thought someone might steal the tree. I reminded him it took 3 of us and about 20 minutes to get it across the parking lot! I decided to call the building manager in the morning and ask if the maintenance guys can bring it in. If they couldn't I would leave it where it is, decorate with suet, bird seeds and corn cobs and let the critters enjoy my tree as my neighbors laugh at the fool on the third floor.
The maintenance guys DID move my tree inside and sort of managed to get it standing. It was in the tree stand but leaning against the wall. According the Jessica, the building manager, they muttered 4-
letter words that she had never heard before. All Greg kept saying is "That's one hell of a BIG tree!" I owe the guys BIG TIME for getting the tree up here. I think a large bottle of "whatever" and homemade Banana Bread should get me back in their good graces again.
Now the task of decorating the tree is at hand! I started with the lights and ran out about 1/3 of the way down the tree. While I was putting the lights on, I realized I couldn't put the Angel on top, only because I can't reach the top. Anyway, the next day on my lunch break I ran out to buy 1000 lights. Have you ever tried to buy white lights the week before Christmas? Don't bother - it's impossible! I was standing in the store and mulling over the possibilities - Green,Purple, Yellow, Pink and Blue. Then I remembered how many lights I needed and that narrowed the choice down considerably -- Green or Pink. So, I have 1000 Pink lights to twinkle on my tree (thank God they aren't flashing!).
I get home and take down the white lights I painstakingly put on the night before and start with the pink lights. Having gone through this the previous night, I concluded it would be easiest to divided the tree in 1/3 strips to put the lights on.
My tree now fully decorated tree, aglow in pink lights still lacking a treetop. My angel would never be seen on top of my tree -- if I could get it there. I amusingly chuckled to myself the perfect top would be a pink flamingo lawn ornament.
I had been telling my co-workers and a few members of a cruisers group, each day about this weird tree and shared my private chuckles with them as well. When I got to work Thursday, a co-worker, walked up to me with a very sly grin and handed me a pink flamingo lawn ornament!!!! You got it! I now have a pink flamingo nesting atop my Christmas tree!!!! I have also been forewarned to expect packages from fellow cruisers Ermalee, Becca and Lori. I'm sort of afraid to open them but I will proudly display whatever it is, on the weirdest, biggest and funniest Christmas tree I have ever owned!!!
Oh and just for "ha-ha's" I took out my tape measure and couldn't believe my eyes. I actually thought I was buying about a 9 ft. tree -- try it's 10 ft and leaning!!! If it were standing straight it would probably be closer to 12 ft. high!!!!!!!!! I've already decided the tree will be leaving here in pieces --- probably branch by branch with the help of Dad's hacksaw.
Well the packages from Ermalee, Becca and Lori all arrived and I cautiously opened them. You never know what these people would send through the mail! To my surprise, I now have a "Flamingo Beanie
Family" in my tree with several beautiful ornaments. As strange as this tree looks, I must say, it is one of the prettiest trees I've seen.
To answer the big question – How did I get the tree out of my apartment – it was in pieces!! I borrowed a hack saw from my Dad with the promise to not remove any of my limbs. After removing all
the decorations and carefully packing them away, I proceeded to de-branch the tree! Starting at the bottom, I sawed of branches and stuffed them in large plastic trash bags, to be carried outside to
the dumpster. I have no idea how many bags I filled but I had the tree about 2/3's stripped before I attempted to cut off the top and carry that down the stairs. While dragging it out the door another
tenant saw me and commented on what a beautiful little tree that must have been. All I could do was laugh and let them know I was dragging out just the TOP of the tree!!