Spring is here?
This has got to be the most screwed up winter on record. We've had temps anywhere from the single digits to the mid-50's. Last weekend we had 2 FEET of snow and today is warm enough to not need a coat. Spring is here? This has got to be the most screwed up winter on record. We've had temps anywhere from the single digits to the mid-50's. Last weekend we had 2 FEET of snow and today is warm enough to not need a coat. As I was letting Shadow out the back door, I noticed a strange little happening --- leaves on my Forsythia bush! Not just buds either -- actual leaves! At first I thought they might be from last year, then I touched them, they aren't dried out leaves. Could this be my long awaited for, sign of spring?!?!?
For those you that notice the date/time stamp, I am at home today. Long story made short, I had a wisdom tooth pulled this afternoon. So far so good, the novocaine hasn't worn off yet :) The doctor didn't feel there would be sufficient pain to warrant anything stronger than Tylenol. Co-workers were offering their sympathies yesterday. Little did some of them know but lately I would consider a bad day at the oral surgeon better than a good day at work.
My brother, Rick, is flying in from Hawaii today. This time his wife, Jasmin, flew to the Philipines to visit her family. Rick is expected to stay for about 2 weeks and then join Jasmin in the Philipines. I'm not sure when I'll go see him, or even if I will visit him. Many times I feel he stays in Hawaii not to keep away from his ex-wife but to distance himself from all of the family. It's probably not the truth but it is how I feel.
Well, I'm off to see if I have anything here that I can eat --- besides ice cream. Not that the ice cream is bad but I need something a little more nourishing at the moment.
In the words of Tigger -- TTFN