Planning of the upcoming cruise doesn't excite me the way they used. I'm looking forward to getting away but will probably do as little as possible while on the cruise. Maybe just hang out on our balcony and veg out for the week.
There are a few things I need to take care of for this cruise. We'll be having a costume party on the ship and I'll be dressing as the "Cruise Fool". The costume I have if a jesters costume but I really need to find some purple tights to wear with the costume.
One of the perks of cruising with a group is that we have our own fun contests. We have a door decorating contest and for this cruise the theme will obviously be Halloween. Marsha and I have already thought about this one and came up with a sunken ghost ship as our decoration. Now we just need to figure out how to create the decorations without needing to bring extra luggage.
Halloween just wouldn't be right without cabin decorations :) I need to taken an inventory of what I have for decorations and maybe do a little shopping for more. The decorated cabin will also require we bring extra $$$ as a tip for our cabin steward. When we previously cruised for Halloween, our steward never knew what to expect when he stepped into the room. There was a flying bat one day and eyeballs in the ice bucket the next.
It looks to be a beautiful but cool day today and I'm going out for a drive. Staying home is just not an option for me today. I've been in a rut for too long and the walls are starting to close in around me. I need to escape before the weather turns and keeps me inside for months. A walk around Devil's Hopyard always seems inviting. Maybe I'll bring my notebook and do some writing while I'm there.