Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Worth Every Minute

After a busy and stressful day, I arrived home with an armload of work, to find two red roses with the following note attached:

"Hey Aunt Bernie you may not know this but I love you. If you didn't take me, I don't know what I would do. Thanks alot for this Auntie, at lease you care. It's like somebody else at lease my mom don't want me ... I love you. Your nephew Rick"

Of course after reading the note, the tears started to fall. How do I explain to a child, everyone loves and cares about him when he's not allowed to be around these same people?


We have a name for the newest addition to the household -- Shadow! It earned the name by following Ricky and I where ever we go in the house. Shadow has been sleeping with Ricky and keeping him company.

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