Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fur Ball

This innocent looking "fur ball" is very adept at raising hell. My neighbor wakes about 4:00 AM, depending where her first repair stop is located. One of the first things she does, in the morning, is to let the kitties go outside. I swear the Shadow watches out the bedroom window, waiting for signs of movement. As soon as one of the kitties has been spotted, he starts scratching at the bedroom window, wanting go outside and play.

It wouldn't be bad, if I needed to be awake that early. My alarm doesn't sound off until 5:30 AM. Shadow's scratching usually earns him a pillow being thrown across the room. You would think I would know by now, that only stops the scratching for a couple of minutes. Eventually, I stumble across a darkened apartment to the living room door, swearing at the cat and calling him unspeakable names. The tone of my language is a good indication of just how much he's pissed me off, so instead of running out the door I've climbed out of bed to open, Shadow hides from me. There have been several mornings Shadow has found himself tossed out the door and not let back in, until I'm ready to open the door again.

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