Saturday, August 23, 2008


Some people are just SO lazy and stupid!!! On July 28Th, CBS switched to a new voice mail system. People were sent instructions about 2 weeks prior on how to log into the new system, create a new password, set up greetings....and they could do this before the system went live.

The first week this system was live, our call volume more than doubled!! One co-worker took 100 (not a typo) phone calls in one day! A busy day is about 40-45 calls. Here it is, a month later and we're still getting calls because people don't know how to log into the voicemail.

The way these people are acting, you would think they're being asked to build nuclear reactor! It's not rocket science people - it's a voice mail system -- RTFM! How difficult is it to understand: Dial 7113 enter your mailbox number followed by # sign, for your password enter "12, your mailbox number followed by # sign. This number is also your old password. You will be prompted to create a new password when you first log in.

I had a call last night. The person yelling because she absolutely had to get into her voicemail and check messages. Mind you, she hasn't listened to her voicemail for at least 3 weeks. She has been "too busy" to call the help desk for assistance accessing her voicemail and she locked herself out of the system. I very nicely told her I would contact the manager at home, to have her voicemail unlocked. What I really wanted to say was "You stupid asshole! You haven't check VM in 3 weeks and suddenly it's such an emergency that I have to contact a manager, at home, on a Friday because your too lazy and stupid to read the email you were sent a month ago."

The saddest part, she's not the ONLY person still calling about her voice mail!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Ah, yes, I remember my days with verizon and ups answering stupid questions and please, don't anyone say there is no such thing as a stupid question. My response to that is try working as a CSR and then tell me that again with a straight face. Someday I should do an entire blog on my favorite CRS experiences :-).