Sunday, March 28, 2004

Jan & Dean

Jan Berry passed away yesterday at the age of 62.

I had the pleasure of attending a concert, on their first tour, since the 1966 accident. It was a very emotional night when they sang "Dead Man's Curve". The song has long been associated with the duo and the devasting accident that left Jan partially paralyzed and unable to speak. I don't believe there was a dry eye at the Hartford Civic Center when they performed the song. At the end of the song, the crowd cheered with a 10 minute standing ovation.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Spring Has Sprung!!

What a fantastic spring day. The doors and windows are opened wide. Clapton's Unplugged blasting from my CD player. I'm blues boppin through the housework and getting the spring cleaning done. Oh Brother Where Are Thou will follow Clapton as house work music. Then, just to confuse the neighbors, vacuum to Vivaldi. If I get everything done today, I'll mellow out tonight with a margarita, and Loreena McKinnett.

Bumbles is outside enjoying the day, soaking up some rays. Last night he brought home a friend. I swear this cat told the neighborhood about the "nice lady with lots of good food". Both cats zoomed past me as I opened the door. While the cat looks well fed, it seems to be afraid to get too close. This one is with with a few black patches. Hence the name my neighbor gave it -- Patches. Sorry but that name is just not creative enough for me so I'll change it :) I bet none of you realized I'm running a boarding home for wayward kitties.

Friday, March 26, 2004

Captain Quack Rubber Duck Quiz

Thursday, March 25, 2004

"Laugh Of The Day"

This morning I sat quietly at home, enjoying my morning coffee and reading e-mails. When I look at the clock, it was 7:00 and I still hadn't showered and gotten dress. And so began the frantic rush to get ready for work. I never cease to amaze myself, in 20 minutes, I showered, dressed, brushed my teeth, made my "travel coffee" and headed out the door.

To my surprise there was very little traffic as I sped off to work. Don't tell anyone but I was doing about 75 the whole distance! It's about a 5 minute walk from the parking lot into the building today I was doing a fast walk and made it just in time to punch in and not be marked late. As I walked through the office I looked at the clock. Something isn't quite right - did someone change the clocks? Yep, it was only 7:00 AM and I didn't need to be here until 8:00 AM.

Oh well, atleast I can enjoy my coffee and have a chance to relax before the rat race starts.

Note to self: Finish first cup of coffee before looking at the clock!!

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Have you ever noticed some "bloggers" take the written word too seriously to notice when people are being funny? To those people I say, lighten up and laugh once in awhile. Life is too short to take seriously all the time!

Thursday, March 18, 2004


As I noted in a previous post, there has been a VERY friendly kitty hanging around. It runs down the road to greet me when I come home. It's outside my door when I leave in the morning. It has even come into the house a few times. I talked with my neighbor yesterday and apparently when I don't see the kitty it's because SHE has brought it inside. During the snowstorm she found the cat huddled next to our dryer vents trying to keep warm and dry.

This morning, I found the cat on my front steps, shivering and hungry so I let it inside. Since I still have food and kitty litter, I decided the kitty will stay inside today. The cat went through 2 cans of food before I left the house! I just have one really major problem -- I'm allergic to long haired cats!!! Because of this, I don't know how well the kitty is going to work out being in here.

Don't ask me if it's male or female --- there is too much fur to tell at a quick glance. At the moment, the kitty is playing "cat in the bag" in the kitchen and having a great time! It managed to find the catnip stash while I was at work. It's a long-haired pale orange cat - very pretty, very friendly and very affectionate. As for a name, well it has to be unisex for now so I'm thinking of "Bumble". It would be named after the snow monster in "Rudolph". Then again, I may come up with a completely different name.

I guess I just broke my promise to myself! Only time and allergies will tell if kitty gets to stay or not.
Strange Happenings

Apparently I have recently been adopted. Stay tuned for further details.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Video Voyeur - Norwich/Colchester CT Searcher

I have noticed my site has been found several times by a person/people searching for information on a video voyeur in the Norwich CT area. Curiosity has gotten the best of me and I would like to know if you are looking for information regarding Ronald LaMontagne. I wish I had more information than what is posted but I don't. The State Police never contacted me after I gave my statement. If you happen to have information on the case, that I have not mentioned. I would appreciate hearing from you.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I've been keeping myself busy at work and at home. Yes, I do miss Smokey but I'm feeling MUCH better about my decision and enjoying no kitty underfoot in the kitchen. A new kitty in the neighborhood has been hanging around and greeting me every day. It's a lovely cat - very friendly, talkative, light tan and long-haired. The cat runs up to my car as soon as I get in the driveway, walks me to the house. It even comes inside to visit for a few minutes and then leaves. There is no chance it will become a replacement for Smokey. I'm allergic to long-haired cats. Besides, I think the cat belongs to a neighbor. I just think it's funny the way the cat greets me and visits. Last night, the cat saw me coming down the road and ran to my driveway.

This week was a comedy of errors for me. Most of you know I love to bake and I also decorate cakes. We celebrated a co-workers birthday yesterday and I volunteered to bring the cake. On wednesday evening I mixed up the cake batter, poured it in the pan, only to discover the pan required TWO cake mixes. At 7:45 pm, I found myself getting dressed and running to the grocery store for another cake mix. First mistake - always buy TWO cake mixes for large cake pans.

Thursday night was for making the frosting and decorating the cake. From past experience I have learned to mix only one batch of frosting at a time. I've blown the motors in two mixers trying to save time and double the frosting batch. I mixed the first batch and frosted the cake. Knowing I wanted green as the main color, I made the remaining frosting dark green and decorated all the borders of the cake. Then it was time to mix the 2nd batch of frosting. I had all the ingredients in the bowl and was adding the powered sugar. That's when I realized error number two - always read the recipe!!! I was so used to making a double batch of frosting, I had doubled the amount of water needed. Of course I don't keep extra baking ingredients on my shelves, so another 8:00 pm trip to the grocery store was necessary.

Finally all the frosting is made. The next color I needed was a light shade of purple. Having only the basic colors - red, blue, green, yellow - I knew mixing red and blue SHOULD give me purple. Well that didn't happen Thursday night. It came out the most disgusting shade of brown I have ever seen!!! That bowl of frosting went into the trash and so did my thoughts of how to decorate the cake. I needed light purple to make Forget-me-nots or violets.

At this point I have a cake frosted in white with green borders. If I use red as a secondary color, it beomes a Christmas cake. Yellow alone doesn't look good on a white cake. Blue just doesn't go well with green. Brainstorm hits! BALLOONS!! Red - yellow and blue balloons! I mixed a little of each color went to work. Since I was only going to use a little of each color I opted to not use a pastry bag. Instead I filled a decorating tip with the frosting and pushed it through with my finger. Gee, I forgot just how well food coloring works on fingers.

Finally, Friday morning arrives - the cake is all decorated and I'm wrapping it in plastic for the trip to work. After the cake was wrapped, I looked at it to wondering if it would make it to work in one piece. That's when one more minor error jumped out at me. I spelled the person's name wrong!! At that point I said "fuck it" and prayed no one would notice.

After all that I went through to make the cake, decorate it and get it to work, no one was hungry enough to eat it!!!! We had a "pot luck" lunch and everyone was full from all the baked ziti, salad, kielbasa, chicken wings ..... Around 3:30 I made the birthday girl cut the cake and hand it out. She brought 1/2 the cake home with her.