Sunday, October 24, 2004


My thoughts of late, have been so disorganized I woke up thinking today is Monday. It was a pleasant surprise when I realized it was only Sunday.

The past week has been interesting, to say the very least. Several years ago, one of our drivers had a worker's comp injury to his left shoulder. He recently started to have shoulder problems and tried to re-open the comp claim. Notice I wrote TRIED. While I was filling out his forms, I picked up on a little discrepency. The problem he is having now is with his RIGHT shoulder and not the previously injured LEFT shoulder.

This driver is also engaged to marry a co-worker that sits in the cubicle next to mine. Recently she tried to get out for a Medical Leave of Absence and was unsuccessful. She also went to HR and upper management and accused my boss of sex discrimination. It was decided her discrimination claim was totally without merit and dismissed. Now that the comp claim is being denied, both are saying the boss is trying to screw them over for the discrimination claim.

While a smile DID come over my bosses face, when I told him about the discrepency, he didn't know until AFTER I verified the records. The driver now is faced with submitting a NEW claim and submit to examinations by the insurance company's doctors. The insurance company doctors must determine this is a work related claim before any money is paid to his current doctors. In the meantime, the driver was told he could not work light duty and sent home friday. Next week should be an interesting week, when the driver submits a new claim and discovers he must submit to the extra examinations.

I've had strange cats in the past but this cat is the strangest! Recently he discoved the dining room walls are wood. He has literally been climbing the walls!!! Off I went to the pet store for a kitty condo/scratching post. Damn!, those things are expensive!!! I was hoping to find something inexpensive for him to climb -- no luck. I did find a nice but smaller scratching post w/perch that he seems to like. I haven't caught him climbing the walls since my purchase.

Shadow has also started to do something I've only known one other cat (Smokey) to do, he is using his paw to eat his food. I do believe Smokey's ghost may be haunting this place. Shadow is still having fun playing with water. The faucet fascinates him and he tries to catch water droplets. Last night, he was having a great time playing with the water, while I filled the tub for a bubble bath, until he fell in! What a sight that was --- soaked kitty covered in bubbles!! Of course that didn't stop him, he did come back later while I was relaxing in the tub.

Personal Happenings:
Not much has been going on in my life outside of work. I did go to the CT Ren Faire and had a great time. If you would like to see pictures, they are posted on my webshots site. Aside from the faire, I really haven't been doing much of anything. My motivation has been dwindling recently and I just don't feel up to being social. If the sun ever comes out today, I may go for a scenic ride and bring along my camera. I love the Autumn scenery but it depresses me knowing the cold winter will soon follow.

It's this time of the year I start thinking about my Holiday Baking list. I've been busy scanning my cookbooks for new recipes to go with my usual baked goodies. It will be an inexpensive Christmas, again this year and that bothers me. There will be a few purchased items but for the most part, gifts will be baked or handmade this year.

Don't bother wondering about a love life, that sucks as usual. Maybe someday, there will be someone in my life. It seems there are only physical attractions and nothing more. While physical isn't bad, it's also nothing great if there is no deeper attraction and it's not what I want for my life. That deeper attraction may never happen, again. At this time, I've given up on finding that person. They will need to find me now. In the meantime, I'll just hang out with friends and try to be content with my life.