Saturday, July 17, 2004

"Life Update"
These last few weeks have been stressful and very busy.  I can't get into the details but my nephew, Ricky, is living with me temporarily.  Of course we have no idea how long "temporarily" actually could be.
On the work front, things have gotten MUCH better.  We have had a week of quiet since L stopped working at Watkins. It's amazing how quiet the phones have become without all her personal calls coming through.  Next week should prove interesting, it's time for my 6 month review.  Let's see if my boss shows just how much he appreciates me with a decent raise. 
The love life still sucks and won't be getting better anytime soon.  While my nephew is here, there won't be any happy hours or social life.  Then again, I didn't have much of a social life before his arrival.  My time is being spent trying to think of things to keep him occupied.  Anyone have suggestions on how to occupy a 12 y/o male?  Don't tell with to get him a 12 y/o female!   He does enjoy basketball so we may shop for a ball and free-standing hoop this weekend.   I don't have any place to hang a hoop so it has to come with it's own stand.
I guess I should get moving along.  We need to buy groceries today since Ricky has cleaned out my refrigerator.  The kid can eat!  I asked him to write a list of things he wants at the grocery store.  I need to add things like fruits and veggies since he didn't list any of those things.

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