Thursday, January 24, 2008

Doctor Visit

After much hesitation, I made and kept the appointment with the Pulmonologist. The results were NOT good. The docter was extremely pleasant and very understanding. Being a 30+ year smoker, that was my biggest fear. I already know all the reasons why I need to quit and don't require a lecture on the dangers of smoking.

The testing results were not conclusive but rather pointed in the direction needed to be taken. The first was a breathing test -- blow into a device for 10+ seconds and I failed. The second was a blood oxygen level test. Simple test, they put a little clip on your index finger and it magically reads the oxygen level in your blood (amazing). Just sitting on the examining table, without exerting myself, I failed the test. My understanding is the level should be around 100 and mine was 85. The third test was a 6 minute walking test while monitoring the blood oxygen level. I failed this test with flying colors. The assistant stopped the test after one minute because my blood oxygen dropped to 75 and I was already short winded.

While the results of the testing do not point to one specific condition, there are 3 possiblities -- Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma or Emphysema, the doctor believes I have Emphysema. I'll have a more in depth test done next month, after giving the inhalers a chance to work, allow my recent bout with Bronchitis to completely clear and hopefully quit smoking. The in depth test will be conclusive and we can determine the best route of action to be taken, at that time.

After a long talk with the doctor, I left the office with multiple inhaler prescriptions and two prescriptions for Chantix (starter & continuation packs). I need to call my insurance provider to see if they will cover Chantix. The website says no but the doctor believes they will cover but only if I also sign up for the support plan. It's going to be a struggle to quit but it must be done.

Wish me luck --- I'm going to need it!


Anonymous said...

You KNOW I'm rooting for ya! Unfortunately, when I was quitting, I got an Rx for Chantix and learned my insurance wasn't going to cover. Bought it anyways. Ouch on the cost!

Bonnie said...

Good luck with quitting smoking. I'll send positive vibes your way. I quit years ago and while I still have asthma the attacks are no where near as bad. I know what you mean about wood burning stoves. A few of our neighbors have them and on cold mornings when I go outside the smoke gets me instantly!