Thursday, May 04, 2006


Today, while everyone was requesting July 3rd as a vacation day, I smiled knowing I had previously requested the whole week off. Thankfully, I reminded my boss before he gave the day off, to a co-worker that is suppose to cover for me. I plan to be in Maine that week and getting my fill of Lobster, Pat's Pizza, Governor's, LaBree's Doughnuts and Italian Sandwiches.

Anyway, I was talking with another co-worker about my cousin, Joey, and the family "bash" he has every July 4th. Of course, whenever I speak of family back in Maine, I get a little homesick. I was probably closet to my cousins Juanita, Vicki & Joey. Nita and I fought like siblings, until we moved to CT. You would have thought we were sisters the way we fought. Of course, I always managed to get my way. She never said it, but I was probably called "The Tattler". All I had to do was run to Memere, crying, "Nita won't let me play....." and of course, Nita would get in trouble. What fond memories I have! Nita, if you're out there, reading this, I do apologize for all the times I got you in trouble. Not that you didn't deserve it but I apologize for tattling :)

I can't recall what Vicki and I would play (probably made up games or with dolls and dress-up) but I know we played together all the time. At this time in my life, I'm closest to Vicki and we keep in touch all the time. I always stay with Vicki and traverse the State of Maine, in search of scenery and "wicked good" eats.

Joey helped the "tomboy" in me. We'd climb trees (apple trees as I recall) and build forts. One year, while spending the Christmas Holidays in Maine, Joey lent me his ice skate, so I could learn to skate. Not that anyone was volunteering to teach me. My cousins left me to fend for myself in the "swamp" where they would ice skate. Using branches from bushes, I pulled myself along the open areas of the swamp. When a big gust of wind would come along, everyone would run (or skate) to a protected clump of bushes. There I am, barely standing and trying to pull myself to the protected area, while they are snug, warm and watching me.

Anyway, I thought I would post a picture of us, in our VERY early years. The gorgeous 2 year old child on the left is yours truely. The "ears" belong to 3 (?) year old Joey. Shirley Temple wanna be is 4(?) year old Vicki.

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