Saturday, March 01, 2008

Day 6

WOW!!! I've even managed to impress myself, making it to Day 6. Yesterday, I realized, it's not the urge to smoke that I need to control. Instead it's the urge to buy a pack TO smoke. The cravings are still there but I can ride them out, if a pack of cigarettes isn't handy. There have been a couple of nights, this week, that I've come close to buying. I had to talk myself out of stopping for a pack while on the way home from work. It's ends up being split second final decision -- turn left for home, or right for cigs. So far the "turn left" has won.

Yesterday the oxygen tank was delivered along with a portable. The tank had 50 FT air tubing. I can wander all over the apartment, cleaning, sleeping....whatever. Only problem, I need to somehow get the kitties to understand, the tubing is NOT for them to chase and capture! Poser has caught me a couple of times already.

Speaking of kitties. Shadow somehow managed to open the cellar door yesterday. Debbie came home to discover Shadow was at "knocking" at her cellar door. I had managed to keep Poser and Bean from even knowing about the cellar -- not anymore. Bean was down cellar when I got home. Poser was dusty enough for me to tell he'd been exploring to. Oh well, I tried to keep them upstairs.


Bonnie said...

First of all congratulations!!! you are doing great!! the oxygen hose thing reminded me of my friend Rick. He was on oxygen and also in a wheel chair. At times he would realize he was getting no oxygen and find he had rolled on top of the tubing! We have one cat who things the face mask Keith wears at night for his BiPap is a face hugger and tries to pull it off. Good luck keeping the kitties upstairs now that they've discovered the Chamber of Secrets :-).

Marsha said...

You're doing great! Keep up the good work. Kitties keep that up, you'll have to put protective covering over the tubing. Now, won't that look funny.

Guess I'll be the next one to quit. I see my doctor next week and it's time for a new script. I'll probably send the starter and continuing both to be filled mail order and see how much I save. This will give me a chance to pick a stop date, which I haven't done yet.

As for the kitties, they will always find something new to discover. You can't stop them.

Victoria said...

Good for you! And keep blogging. It gives you something to do with your fingers. LOL!!

Victoria said...

It's the 12 now. How is it going?

Bonnie said...

Bernie, where art thou? it's been day 6 far too long! How are you doing - either way we still care. Just let us know how it's going and how we can help... I know, by not harrassing you to post here, right :-)?