Sunday, August 22, 2004

Major Influence?

While my nephew is living with me, I'm trying to expose him to another way of life. His mother has used video games, and Disney to be a babysitter. Since, there really isn't much he can do here, I'm getting him to try different things while he is here. He wanted to make a gift for his Dad so I searched on-line for a craft project. Of course my nephew wanted to make a t-shirt but I talked him into a simply decorated cross that would be a gift to his Dad and step-mom. He loved doing the project and it was easy enough to do completely on his own.

Ricky knows all sorts of recent movies (most of which he SHOULD NOT know) but has never heard of Alfred Hitchcock, Jimmy Stewart, Frank Sinatra, Bette Davis, Grace Kelly..... A couple of nights ago, I switched the TV to TCM and we watched Jezebel with Bette Davis. The only movie he had seen, about the Civil War period, was The Patriot. He LOVED the movie and kept asking about the actors/actresses. He had never watched a b&w movie before. Last night we watched Rear Window. The movie captured his attention to a point where he was asking about different camera effects. Maybe tonight I'll introduce him to "classic" horror movies -- Frankenstein, Dracula.... or we could watch African Queen, Gone With The Wind, Singing In The Rain.....

Something else that has captured Ricky's attention is Slam Poetry. Ricky writes Rap songs (ok so he doesn't have the beats down) and I pointed out that it's quite similar to slam poetry. While at the book store last weekend, I picked up the book "Idiots Guide To Slam Poetry". He has read a little of the book but I would like to find an open mic where he can listen to Slam Poetry. I think he would get more out of listening to the performances than reading a book. If anyone knows an open mic venue, in the Manchester area, let me know. The only one I know about is The Buttonwood Tree and they stop during the summer months.

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