Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Ask and you shall receive.....

Today started like an ordinary day -- busy! While I was working on checking everyone time clock punches from yesterday, one of our sales reps approached me. He asked me to verify that tickets to a concert were in the safe. I couldn't do it at that moment but told him I would check as soon as I had a chance.

Later in the morning, I had a few minutes to look for the concert tickets. Of course I had to see where the concert is and who is playing. Hmmmm Chicago and Earth, Wind & Fire at The Meadows -- sounds like a great concert to me. Sure enough, there are 8 tickets and 2 parking passes.

When Doug called, from the road, this afternoon, I relayed the information. I added in that it sounds like a great concert. He then asked if I wanted to go. It seems he had purchased an extra ticket and doesn't have a date for the night. The only stipulation is that I can't tell anyone in the office! Something tells me he realizes just how much gossip takes place in that office!

Just a little run down on the gossip -- DL has a "thing" going on with SO, but don't tell either of their spouses. LN is engaged to MR after only dating for a couple of months. CB's boyfriend is in jail for abuse but she still loves him and is trying to get him out of jail. MP, although a newlywed, has a fling going on with JH..... Does this sound a little like Peyton Place?

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