Sunday, May 16, 2004


I finally shopped for garden flowers and veggies today! The back seat of my car was loaded with Impatiens, Coleus, Mini Pansies, Petunias, Sweet Basil, Dill, Chives, Oregano, Bell Peppers, String Beans and Tomatoes. The trunk carried 4 large bags of potting soil.

After shopping I went to Debbie's for a birthday cookout. Dinner was a joint effort. Fred cooked the burgers and dogs, Debbie made the potato and pasta salads and Peter made the tossed salad and garlic dip. Debbie also made the most delicious strawberry shortcake --- Mmmmmmm good ---- and presented it to me with a lit candle. One of Freddy's long time friends stopped by with a dozen fresh bagels and cream cheese.

The first thing I did upon arriving at home, was to unload all the plants. For now they are in the back yard until I have a chance to plant them. Of course the potting soil is still in the car. I looked around and realized I don't have an outside faucet. That means running a hose from my kitchen to water the plants. Oh well, it's easier than using a watering can! Next week will be a busy one, trying to get everything planted.

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