Friday, February 22, 2008

Mental Determination

I've had a set back in my determanation to quit smoking. Yes, Monday was a bitch of a day and the work week has not gotten any better. In an effort to make up for my lost work time, on Monday, I've been working 10 hr. days. This week at work has also been horrendous. I've been taking 40+ calls every day, not to mention maybe another 30 - 40 tickets that come in via e-mail and handling follow up calls on existing tickets. We've also had an unsual amount of "idiot" calls this week. You know those jokes about people using the CD drive for cup holders? Well those people are REAL and they call our help desk! Not only did I buy a pack of cigs on Monday but I've purchased 2 more packs since then. I guess the good side (if there is such a thing) of that is previously, I would have purchased 5 packs by now and getting ready to buy another.

I haven't given up on quitting. I'm just having a difficult time getting the mental motivation going again. It's like starting from the beginning in setting a "quit date" and working myself up to it again.


Victoria said...

If you have cut back, you've made progress. Please do try again. I care about you a lot and want to see you do this!

Bonnie said...

I'm with Victoria. You are making progress by cutting back. While I don't know you as well as Victoria, having only met you during my last trip to CT - but you have become an integral part of my daily life through scrabble. Please keep trying to cut back little by little and one day you'll find you've reached a point where you can quit. We won't give up on you!