Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Set Back #1

Hopefully this will be the one and only set back I have. Yesterday was just a trying day. My heat went out during the night so I called my landlord in the morning. He came over about 11:30 and proceeded to check the furnace. He couldn't get the furnace going so it's a call to Conn. Natural Gas (CNG) for emergency HOLIDAY service. They couldn't give an approximate time just "sometime this afternoon". I called my boss and told him I would be late since I needed to wait around for the repair person.

The afternoon dragged on and on and on. Frustrating doesn't come close describing the wait. Around 4:00 the phone rings. It's my landlord checking to see if the furnace is fixed yet. That's a big "Nope". He decides to call CNG again and then call me back. Well, it turns out the person was on their way here and had another emergency so he was re-routed. My landlord reminded them, that this was also an emergency and his tenant was without heat. That's when they told him the other emergency was a gas leak. Ok, a gas leak will beat a broken furnace for an emergency. Anyway, he called me back and gave me the news, the repairman would be here after the leak was fixed.

At this point, I'm going a bit crazy and said "screw it" and went for a quick ride to the gas station for a packs of cigarettes. I've already missed a 1/2 of work and it looks like I'm going to miss the remainder of the day too. I wasn't planning using a vacation day for my furnace. The alternative would be to have my landlord waiting in my apartment (by himself) all day. That thought didn't thrill me either.

I get home and send an email to my boss and co-worker explaining why I won't be in. About 7:00 my landlord called again -- still no repairman. To say we were both a little pissed off would be an understatement. The sun has set, it's been raining and windy all day and the temp inside is dropping. I turned on the oven just to help take the chill out of the kitchen.

At 9:15 PM there is finally a knock at the door!!! Gee only 9.5 hour wait for emergency service! The electronic ignition on the furnace died. He was here all of 20 minutes and the furnace repaired.

Now to see if my boss will let me make up some of this time, so I'm not using vacation time. BTW, that pack of cigs is almost gone. Yes, I'm going try again. I'm not giving up on quitting. It was just a set back and one that I WILL OVERCOME.


Bonnie said...

Okay, so you had a set back. Now time to take control and get back in the groove. You can beat this! I know you can! But I do understand how a day like that would bring you to the brink and you could easily fall over. Deep breath! Renew committment! New day! aaaahhhh....breath out and start over.

Bonnie said...

How are you doing? I try to send some positive thoughts your way each day. Hopefully things are back on track. Don't beat yourself up for the setbacks, just move forward again the next day and the next day and the next day and....

Unknown said...

This is nice you shared about emergency furnace service. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Their skilled professionals are there to check every area of your house completely using their SLR that can pinpoint the accurate source of the leak. As they go along with their work you will be informed of every step that needs to be done and on what has been accomplished. This company is known for its integrity that they will not leave your house by not resolving the leak issue. Fix Home Leaks LA is the company that you can depend on.