Friday, February 15, 2008

Non-Smoker - Day 1

Today I am a NON-SMOKER. Having been a smoker for about 34 years, I expect the first few weeks/months of being a non-smoker to be filled with ups and downs. Hopefully, I will force myself to survive a few of my triggers (coffee and sitting at my PC) to document my progress. At the moment, I'm proud to say, I've made it through my first cup of morning coffee without a cigarette!! For me, that's quite an accomplishment. Documenting my progress, on my blog, is one of my ways to keep busy. My hands and mind, need to keep occuppied. What better way than to type away my thoughts.

I've shared my fun in obtaining the Chantix, in previous posts. Now it's time to share some of the fun I'm having with side effects. One of the side effects is abnormal dreams. Well, I have abnormal dreams all the time so I wasn't sure if I would recognize this side effect. Boy, was I wrong! In the last week, Marsha and I went on a High School field trip and missed our bus; offices at Wiremold were all turned into classrooms; two people I know to be anti-smokers, were having such a difficult time at work, they became smokers; last night's dream had my parents hosting a family reunion and 3 guys vying for my attention, showed up - let's just say they were a bit overwhelmed with the size of the family. Oh and there was a field across from my parents house with giraffe running around. The last I knew, there is a swamp across the street and giraffe's do not run free in Connecticut.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

First I want to say I'm very proud of you for taking this step. I know it's hard, but I haven't had a cigarette in over 30 years! Yes it was tough at first, but like all things the more we persever the easier it becomes. I love the dreams!! I can rarely remember mine, but my husband always remembers his. Mine are mostly boring - like my mom moving in here with us and rearranging all oru furniture. Good luck! You can do it!!